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Sharing of Freedom

Maria “Mauxi” Fontalvo is an English teacher in Santa Marta, Colombia who attended the recent Bible Storying training as a translator. In addition to helping with translation, Mauxi was excited to learn new ways to connect with her students and share Bible stories with them. The first day of the training, the trainees learned the story of the demon possessed man from Mark 5 and Mauxi began sharing it with all of the students who came through her English classes in the following weeks. More than 320 of her students learned the demon possessed man story.

She writes:

“One of the ways I have been able to share Bible stories is while working with children and teenagers that come from very poor and difficult backgrounds. Through a program sponsored by the Mayor of Santa Marta, I work to teach the young people about the modern arts through music, dance, drama and poetry with the ultimate goal of making the youth stay away from drugs, alcohol, and other social problems that we face daily in Santa Marta. The students are so accustomed to violent environments that often when it is their turn to create their own dramas, it has to do with violence and murder. It is all they know.

My current job has given me a wonderful opportunity to share Bible stories with the youth and they have really enjoyed learning the stories and finding fun ways to retell them to others. The stories are very new to them, which is great because they can get bored easily. I see this time of storytelling as an escape for these children from their harsh reality at home and the students love to tell these stories in front of the class, they get so energetic and excited! I am very thankful for the opportunity to instill hope through these classes and the stories I share with my students.”


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