Ingarico tribe: Left to right:
Chebe, Mekido (leader), Charle, and Delkino (photographer), Pastor Marcos' sons and nephews, stepping up to lead Frontline Missions Jesus Film trips in northern Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana.
Frontline Missions has been working in northern Brazil since 2000 with a fervent desire to train and equip Indigenous leaders to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the many people groups who call the area home.
What began as prayer meetings and leadership conferences in the rural interior of the country spurred the creation of a training school for the development and discipleship of countless young men and women.
Today, Frontline continues to work hand in hand with local leaders; partnering with them in their vision to see the Gospel preached in the most remote regions of Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela.
Bible Training Center
Leadership Conference
Missionary Outreach (Unreached Areas)
Oral Bible Storytelling
Hi. My sister (Heidi), we are in P, we are very sad and crying a lot. Many of our children are dying. 4 children. We are crying and very sad.
We had 4 of our children who died, we don't know what disease is attacking them. We don't know if it's the water that's contaminated by miners. We are very sad. Living in a time of darkness and sadness.
Ask the Lord's church to help us in prayer.
We need the Lord's help. Please let us help our Yanomami brothers.
With love,
Pr. Paulo Nunes, CONPLEI
Miss. Bethany

Frontline Missions Mama Rosa's ministry to Venezuelan refugees. She takes them off the street, feeds and clothes them and they gain salvation.

Brazil: This is another video showing the annual CONPLEI youth gathering. CONPLEI is an Indigenous evangelical movement whose motto is "a genuinely indigenous biblical church." To achieve this goal, Bible translation is a fundamental element. Therefore, CONPLEI's participation in the Bible translation movement is by engaging the leaders and pastors of Indigenous churches in the sense of encouraging them to value the Bible in their mother tongue, and by direct involvement in the training of Indigenous translators. CONPLEI is The National Council of Native Evangelical Pastors and Leaders in Brazil.
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Brazil: Ricardo Poquiviqui Board member of CONPLEI 2023.
These are the tribes he visited:
1) PAUMARI of Labrea Amazonas .
2) MATIS of Atalaia of North Amazonas
3) MAYURUNA of North Amazonas
4) MARUBO of Atalaia of North Amazonas.
7) ARARA ZORO of Rondônia.
Frontline Missions supports CONPLEI.

Pastor Marcos, wife Elizabeth, & daughter, Martinilza, from the Ingarico tribe on mission trip in Brazil

Yanomami painting donated to Heidi Winter and Frontline Missions as an accolade for all our support to CONPLEI (Christian Indigenous Leadership Development of South America)

Frontline Missions
Brazil History
Frontline has been involved in northern Brazil since 2000 and has seen God do marvelous things among the indigenous people groups there.
(10:45 second video)
Visiting Ingarico People
Frontline Missions evangelist team visits Unica area Marasuwe, Panak, Brazil passing out Bibles, leading prayer and distributing food to the Ingarico people.
(3:47 second video)
Sharing The Jesus Film
Frontline Missions Pastor Marcos and sons travel several days to Brazilian Ingarico villages, providing food, Bibles, and showing the Jesus Film. Frontline Missions through our supporters, provides The Jesus Film, which is a solar powered portable system with projector, battery, and screen for showing a film on Jesus in remote areas.
(1:31 second video)
Frontline Missions Mama Rosa performs water baptism of Luis Garcia. Everyone knows who Mama Rosa is! She holds church services, and takes in the destitute and refugees. Pray for Mama Rosa!
(:18 second video)
Frontline Stories: Brazil

Ingarico water baptism, Brazil

This is an historic picture taken while Alan Winter, Dr. Eric Hoffler, and Lyn Loveless were in the Ingarico village of Serra do Sol, Brazil in 2000. Alan and Frontline gifted Pastor Marcos with his first chain saw, an item sorely needed and esteemed. Note that Alan is sitting lower than the Ingarico leaders showing deference and respect. This has been the way Frontline Missions has always treated the Indigenous.

Frontline Missions Ingarico missionaries traveled to several remote villages to show the Jesus Film, to display the Bible Storying Chart and to pass out Solar Bible Torches. Here they are at the community of Aricaman, Brazil.
Our missionaries travel great distances by foot, boat and bicycle through dangerous conditions to reach Indigenous tribes. Bicycles donated to Frontlines cut their travel time in half.

Cross on hill over Aqua Fria, Brazil