Cultures Uniting In Christ!
The partnership between Frontline, Pastor Arnulfo, and his daughter, Griselly, has borne incredible fruit. Since 2016, Pastor Arnulfo has graduated over 320 students from his Bible training course. In just three years, their new school in Venezuela has already seen 57 graduates.

In a country where necessities like food and toilet paper are often unavailable, how do these students faithfully attend Bible training?

In This Issue:
Cultures Uniting In Christ
Shaman Now Constructs For Christ
As a local shaman, Felipe was serving his people by performing satanic rituals, casting spells, and communicating with evil spirits. Recently Felipe related how he was paid to cast spells on others; interestingly he described how some people had a bright light protecting them from his spells. In these cases, he would refund the payor’s money and tell them he could not touch the selected person. His story resembles the Old Testament prophetic Balaam (Numbers 22:21-39). Later, as Felipe was being groomed as a high priest in the satanic church, he felt a deep emptiness despite increasing involvement. Although this additional power promised great fame and fortune, he found himself drawn to the hopeful words of a new missionary. Where was this going to lead him as a shaman? The emptiness in all his incantations started weighing on him more, and finally, he made a commitment to Jesus Christ. He totally turned his back on the dark side. After that, although no one else could hear, his sleep was disturbed every night by clattering and banging in the kitchen, he recounted to us. He explained that the demons were trying to scare him back into their control. Felipe chose not to give them any attention but instead shrugged it off and never turned back from following Christ. Today, he serves the Lord wholeheartedly by constantly traveling wherever needed to build churches, training centers, and pastors' homes. Whether in the extreme heat and rain or cool mountainous regions, Felipe forges on for the One True God, whom he serves “gratefully and without regret.” What a great contrast of fear, hurt, and emptiness as a shaman to today living a life of peace, joy, and fulfillment in Christ! He who once worked to tear down the Body of Christ now works harder to construct churches for God’s Kingdom. For every $2,500, Felipe can add another church to his building itinerary. Join us in prayer that God would transform more workers of darkness into ambassadors of His light!
A New Net for New Fish
Local missionaries have brought an opportunity to minister to newly converted Indigenous abused and forced out of their tribe due to embracing Christ.
They shared the following stories at an Amazonian conference for Indigenous Christian leaders. One tribe tied up a teenager for his first offense of going to church, hanging him by his wrists, with his toes hardly touching the ground. He was supposed to remain there for three hours until he denounced Christ, which would have likely maimed him. Instead, he repeatedly shouted that he would not go back to church, so they let him down after about 1½ hours. Later he bravely returned to church, but when the tribal leaders heard, they put him in solitary confinement—a small cage with barely any food for three weeks. After this second maltreatment, he slipped away and escaped the tribal village, running to the nearby missionaries, who are currently assisting him. He feels he cannot return to the tribal village.

Upon finding Christian literature secretly tucked into a separate youth’s shorts, a second tribe decided this youth would have to pay for this offense, burning it in his shorts, which left a terrible scar on the boy’s right hip and stomach. Also, in this tribe, where long hair is a sign of great honor, this boy’s waist-length hair was burnt, further increasing his shame. The second time this young man was caught inquiring about Christianity, he was forced to carry 45 large boulders (50-70 lbs) from the river bed atop a nearby mountain. After this excruciating activity, he escaped his village and determined he would not return. Both of these young men are presently being discipled. Although they were persecuted severely by their tribal leaders, they are confident in the peace and joy that cannot be found within their tribes that reject Christ. These young believers testify that there are many others currently remaining silent about their new-found faith in Christ due to fear of expulsion, in a culture where exile and the resulting homelessness usually result in quick death. Providing safety net homes would thus create a safe refuge from which the believers could openly proclaim the Gospel. The missionaries recently found a run-down structure requiring $1,800 in repairs, which could house multiple families. With the number of converts growing, a need for additional refugee homes is critical. Upon hearing these compelling stories, we recognize the need for a “net” to support these new believers. Supplying refugee homes for those persecuted for following Christ will fulfill what Christ said, “Let down your nets for a catch,” in Luke 5:4b, referring to Peter becoming a fisher of men. At the time of this printing, we rejoice that God has already provided the means for a first refugee home; thanks to all of you who have assisted in this effort! Please join us in prayer for Him to continue to provide for the four more refugee homes needed.
More Audio Bibles Going Out!

“Thank you so much for this gift (to share the Gospel) that you are sending for the people of Yanomami. This is a powerful tool to the tribe that lives in the jungle.” —Paulo Nunes, Executive Director of CONPLEI
“We are very encouraged by your efforts to help our people here. CONPLEI alone does not go too far, but with your partnership, we go even farther.” —Henrique Terena, President of CONPLEI