Empowering Missionaries
We continue to work with our ministry partners all around the world and we are thrilled as traveling picks up again as it used to be. We are planning a medical mission trip early January 2022 to Honduras and more short-term trips to other different countries. As there was a time in which we could not visit our friends in the field, we now value such travels even more.
God talks to us about the importance of each one of his beloved in the body of Christ as the apostle Paul could remarked, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow” (1 Cor. 3:6). Each one has a part in the advancement of His Kingdom. In the same way God delights in giving to his children (1 Tim. 6:17) here on earth and in the coming Kingdom. He has rewards for us for our work unto Him during our earthly journey, yet we know that in the Frontline family, not only those being the boots on the ground will partake in the blessings, but also those staying aback supporting, praying, and giving to the work (1 Sam. 30:24). What a graceful and generous God we serve!
Colombia: Wayúu Indigenous Group Update
Click on the video below (1:33 min.) to hear some news of our Wayúu friends and our last visit to La Guajira, their hometown, this past month.
Brazil: December Indigenous Gatherings
Every end of year, various indigenous tribes from the Roraima area (encompassing the frontiers of Southeastern Venezuela, Northern Brazil and Southern Guyana) gather to fellowship and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Frontline’s missionaries Pastor Damaseno and Cleide will be hosting about 500 Macuxi indigenous people in their community called Bananeira. Several cows will be eaten in the feast, Macuxi traditions will be shared, and most importantly, the missionaries will be sharing about the God the Creator. They will be sharing the Jesus Film and taking advantage of this opportunity to evangelize.
In the same way, Pastor Marcos and his wife will host the same type of gathering for the Ingarico indigenous tribe. They will meet in a community called Parana where the Jesus Film has been previously shared and people have been getting saved in this community. They are expecting around 800 Macuxi to serve, feed, share traditions, and evangelize.
Keep in prayer our missionaries as they evangelize to those who do not know God during these gatherings. The communal gatherings will start December 23rd and wil end around mid January. We thank you for your contributions and heart for the Kingdom as Frontline was able to donate different tools for evangelism as well as the food for both indigenous conferences.
Top Photo: Everyone in the Ingarico indigenous tribe works hard to gather food including cassava (as shown in the picture) to feed hundreds of guests in their upcoming gathering.
Ingarico woman making cassava bread
in preparation for the festivities
Natacha [left], Brazil Frontline Director, delivering food to the Ingarico missionaries for their gathering
Macuxi tribe starting to organize food and other needed goods
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