Ingarico Missionaries on the Move!
Braving treacherous mountain passes, dangerous river crossings, and boundless savannahs our Ingarico missionaries forge on! Known as the only “circuit” preachers in their remote areas, the Ingaricos bring great news of the Creator and His son, Jesus, through preaching and praise songs. Passionately and faithfully, they travel great distances monthly on foot or bike. In April fifty people from seven different communities joined our team as they walked for 4 days, crossing the border into Guyana. The Ararayen waterfalls were breathtaking for all to see! The team carried cassava bread, similar to a hard cracker, and dried farine, similar to grape nuts and also made from cassava, as their snacks along the way. Frogs, fish, and birds were caught for added protein.

Chebe added that they were grateful, as the Ararayen community welcomed them with “good hearts.” Their time together in the presence of the Lord was punctuated by six new lives being given to Christ.
Training Taken into the Jungle
A recent ADVENTUROUS mission invitation was extended to Harvey Garcia, Dr. Mark Grant, and Jake McCurry. Where? To the JUNGLE just inside Brazil from the corners of Colombia, Peru, and Brazil and up the Solimões River which feeds into the Amazon (also called the Upper Amazon River). For whom? 50 students from 5 tribes and 10 villages including their families = 100 people. Why? To continue theological training in partnership with CONPLEI.
Heidi Hosts Heroes of the Faith
In May, the international missions community was brought to Heidi as she hosted Paulo, Betânia, & Chaya Nunes, of CONPLEI & Wycliffe, who share the Gospel among the unreached Indigenous of Brazil, disciple Indigenous leaders across South America, and oversee the writing of unwritten languages before teaching the uneducated to translate the Scriptures into their own languages. Join us in praying for them as they declare Christ among the unreached.

In Spite of Interference
By Dr. Mark Grant
One day as the Gospel was being shared, a neighbor deliberately played his music on the loudspeakers outside so loudly that it rang out throughout the entire village. The loud music made it very difficult to communicate our message, but just as we came to the invitation the music stopped, and 30 gave their lives to Christ in spite of the interference. What the enemy had planned for evil, God turned into a victory! Mark on left.
A Shocking Night! By Dr. Mark Grant
Through the dark of night and the normal undertones of talking came a sudden uproar of intense praying and shouting. What was going on? The numerous voices crescendoed in force and earnestness. Although we were in a separate building, the adjoining walls carried the cacophony of the chaos. We lay motionless in our hammocks, praying in silent agreement for whatever caused this clamor. After about 20 minutes the praying finally subsided and we trusted all to be well as we went on to sleep. In the morning we discovered that when Lailton, a student, had gone down to the river to bathe after dark and surprisingly was bit by a coral snake. The friends who accompanied him immediately attacked the coral snake, tearing it to shreds with their ever-faithful machetes.
Knowing how life-threatening coral snakes are, the companions promptly brought Lailton back to the camp and surrounded him with as many praying people as they could gather. After beseeching God for Lailton’s very life and finally feeling a divine peace, they swiftly carried him to the nearest village clinic hoping to find some anti-venom. Within 24 hours we were surprised to see Laitlon walking back into the classroom as if nothing had happened. There he was! We all gave praise to God, knowing that he had received a mighty miracle from God as the venom from Brazilian coral snakes causes a near-instant neuromuscular block which causes paralysis and death from respiratory arrest.
God truly showed up in our midst covering Lailton with a protective glory that shielded him from death!
Curses of Pain Broken
A female student named Amazonina, about 60 years old, was writhing in abdominal pain. The Texan PA evaluated her and was concerned. Elisianna, Pastor Manoel’s wife, received a word from the Lord and asked if there was any witchcraft in her family, to which she replied, “Yes, all of them except me. I am the only Christian.”
Apparently, they had put a curse on her to kill her since she had abandoned their witchcraft belief system, which is normal practice in some cultures. She had suffered from stomach pains for years since she became a Christian, but this time was worse than she ever experienced. Elisianna prayed over Amazonina, breaking the curse in our Lord’s most powerful Name, and she instantly said the pain was gone! It did not trouble her anymore while we were at the camp. We give praise and glory due to our God—and pray that He will use this testimony to free others from the bondage of witchcraft within Amazonina’s family and community.

Necessity of Water By Dr. Mark Grant

Days after feeding 100 people three meals a day at a leadership conference our water reservoir, which supplied our needs for drinking, cooking, and washing dishes, was nearly empty. Several team members, understanding the immensity of the problem, began praying intently for rain. Later that night, a pastor from Michigan was awakened by the Holy Spirit and told to go outside. He promptly obeyed the Spirit, and as he opened the door, it began to rain! As he turned around to get his phone to capture the event, it literally started pouring! Responding to the pastor’s joyful cries, the local pastor immediately ran to uncover the reservoir so that it could fill back up. Within that wondrous hour, the reservoir was nearly full again! Our water supply was saved and the conference could be continued. God had demonstrated with power that He would provide for His own.