Empowering Missionaries
We rejoice in constantly receiving news from our international ministry partners as they continue to advance God's Kingdom in their cultural contexts. Their current situation is not an easy one as their countries continue to be affected by the pandemic. Nonetheless, it is amazing to see their hearts filled with hope and faith that gives birth to innovative ways of doing ministry despite of their difficult situations.
Once again, we want to share with you what God is doing in Latin America and how Frontline Missions is responding to His call in Latin countries by networking with local missionaries and bringing support and much needed help to our family in Christ.
In This Issue:
Empowering Missionaries
Colombia: Kogui Indians Update
Pastor Wuirley and her ministry team have been visiting the Kogui indians, an unreached people group, on a monthly basis as they continue to gain their trust and build strong relationships. During their visit, they shared a community meal and did arts and crafts with the children. One of the activities was to draw a heart that said the simple, yet powerful biblical truth that “God is love” (1 John 4:16). The people loved having the ministry team visit them and are looking forward to their next visit this upcoming October to have a movie night to watch the Jesus Film.
Pastor Wuirley visiting with the Kogui indians
Kogui children sharing meal
Children finishing arts and crafts with pastor Wuirley
Honduras: We Are Traveling Again!
Frontline's first mission trip since the pandemic started took place this summer with the Kentucky team that visited La Campa, Lempira and served the Lenca Indians, hosted by Frontline's full-time missionaries in Honduras, Greg and Jean Hines. They visited three communities and most of their time was spent visiting homes of the local people, sharing Bible stories, singing songs and dancing with the children, and setting up the Jesus Film for people to watch.
Breaking through the Covid-19 barrier, John and Donna Fegan braved a trip to visit the Tolupan Indians in Flower Mountain with Meily Garrido, Honduras Director, and Pastor Luis with his ministry team from the church of Sulaco this summer. The Tolupan are very poor, and their meager wages makes them dependent on outside help. The Fegans were part of Redeemer Lutheran Church’s team, which was the last group before the 2020 lock-downs. However, this couple was determined to travel back to see their Tolupan friends and after 16 months became the very first team to return, bringing over 5,200 lbs of food for the 200 indigenous families. Meily says, “The trip was short, but it was good to have the brothers and sisters of the USA. It was a beam of hope for us that teams will begin coming back to Honduras in the future despite COVID.”
Kentucky Missions Team
John and Donna Fegan with Tolupan Indians
Heidi Winter, president of Frontline Missions, traveled to Minnesota, Wisconsin, and to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to meet with different people and churches who are part of Frontline. She picked up over 100 lbs of Tolupan coffee and jewelry that was brought from Honduras from John and Donna Feagan of Redeemer Lutheran Church. Heidi says it was a refreshing time to pray and plan future mission trips for the year 2022 with some of these churches, plus seeing some of these long-term ministry friends was a heartwarming experience!

USA: Embracing Partners Again
Redeemer Lutheran Church Mission Team (Marquette, Michigan) These group of people have been partnering with Frontline in Honduras for 19 years!
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