We cultivate dynamic partnerships within the global Church to equip followers of Jesus, fueling the spread of the Gospel.
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Partner with us...
Starting in 1997, Frontline Missions embarked on continuing campaigns to take the Gospel to unreached, unengaged people groups, UUPG, around the world. As part of this effort, we joined forces with several partner organizations who travel with us to train and minister to Indigenous people. These Indigenous missionaries are learning how to utilize technology to share the Gospel in communities very few can reach.
Whether you want to go on a short term mission to spread the Word, or want to cheer others on from home, we can sow into this historic ministry by providing finances for missionary travel expenses and support for their families while they're gone.
Your money goes to many needed operations such as:
- Distributing solar and hard cover Bibles in native languages
- Distributing food and clothing to the hungry
- Holding medical and dental clinics in Indigenous areas
- Providing funds to start small local businesses such as farming and shops
- Providing sewing machines to outcasts and the poor so they may provide for themselves
- Holding Christian conferences for Indigenous peoples
- Headquarter Operations
- Mission trips to build churches and utility infrastructure such as water provision
Adopt a team or sponsor a trip. Whatever your heart leads you to do.
If you are interested, please contact us at info@fmusa.org.
As 1 Samuel 30:24 says, paraphrased, those who stay behind with the supplies reap the same rewards as those who go into battle.
In other words, when you support these missionaries in prayer or finances, the rewards are equal to those who are reaching UUPG for Christ.
Frontline Missions and the Bridge Church team up with medical and dental clinics in Flower Mountain, Honduras (2:54 second video)