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Impactando a la NaciĆ³n WayĆŗu

Manna Church West Florida y Frontline Missions continĆŗan asociĆ”ndose para equipar y empoderar al pastor Arnulfo mientras cruza dos fronteras en AmĆ©rica del Sur. El pastor Arnulfo y su esposa, MarĆ­a, quien falleciĆ³ en 2020, tienen doce hijos, cinco de los cuales actualmente colaboran con Ć©l en el ministerio. Este dinĆ”mico pastor colombiano y su equipo han sido extraordinariamente efectivos durante los Ćŗltimos 4 aƱos en el discipulado de estudiantes usando su curso de cinco meses.

Seventeen years of service and prayer are starting to root. Pastors Luis and Lucia, two of Frontline Missions (FMUSA) spiritual leaders, prayed and sent out Juan and Maria as the first Honduran missionaries from their church in February 2023. They now have been in La Ceibita for an entire year, training the Tolupan people in the ways of God in response to the Tolupan chief’s request to establish a truly Tolupan church.

To prepare for a permanent pastor, several teams have helped to construct a cement block home. It is being finished as you are reading this publication. This home will temporarily house Juan and Maria while they remain in La Ceibita but will be handed over to a Tolupan pastor in time to come.

We will purchase a ministry motorcycle in April to allow the pastors to visit their families occasionally and in case of an emergency. Individuals have stepped forward and generously met the need. The motorcycle, along with as many pouches and pockets as we can fit on it, will remain in Flower Mountain for the ministry there.


Chief Chavelo, whose children were water baptized last summer as noted in our Summer Newsletter, and his son, Noe, are currently being mentored by Juan and Maria. Noe was touched by God and divinely delivered from an addiction to cigarettes and alcohol. Now Noe tells everyone how powerful God is and that He can help all of them in their lives too.

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En este asunto:
Impactando a la NaciĆ³n WayĆŗu

El alcance del honor del pastor Arnulfo entre sus discĆ­pulos sĆ³lo puede rivalizar con el amplio impacto de su ministerio (enviĆ³ a 280 graduados segĆŗn el Ćŗltimo recuento), que afectĆ³ a su propia iglesia, a once aldeas wayĆŗu colombianas y ahora llega a la vecina Venezuela. Tres pastores wayĆŗu (capacitados originalmente por el pastor Arnulfo en Venezuela) viajaron recientemente para compartir con Heidi su testimonio de 137 estudiantes capacitados adicionales.

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In response to our already long-term relationship, the Tolupan leadership has also asked FMUSA to preserve their Tol language. We will fund Ricardo from San Juan, a Tolupan who worked with FMUSA ten years ago, to translate Bible Stories into Tol. Ricardo started teaching the La Ceibita elementary and middle school children in February 2024. We want to seize every opportunity offered to us to serve the Tolupan and share Christ with them, especially in their native language.


If we see the success we expect and are able to receive the necessary funding, we will

consider expanding to reach other nearby villages.


Many of our supporters have prayed for years for Tolupan spiritual leaders. The sudden

growth has been remarkable: Increased baptisms, a truly Tolupan church, and now, an

undeniable Tolupan testimony of God’s power are changing an entire culture.


Special thanks to Cornerstone (Ramsey, MI), Redeemer Lutheran (Marquette, MI),

Beulah Baptist (Douglasville, GA), Bridge Church (Deputy, IN), and Landmark Christian

School (Fairburn, GA)

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AsociaciĆ³n con CONPLEI

Hace cuatro aƱos, se pidiĆ³ a Frontline Missions que participara en el Proyecto de PelĆ­cula JesĆŗs que capacita a lĆ­deres indĆ­genas para llevar el Evangelio a los confines de Brasil. A travĆ©s de ese proyecto, Natacha y Alexander GonzĆ”lez, nuestros directores en Brasil, conocieron a Paulo NĆŗƱez y Henrique Terena, vicepresidente y presidente de CONPLEI.


La relaciĆ³n se profundizĆ³ cuando descubrimos que CONPLEI comparte la misma visiĆ³n Ćŗnica que Alan y yo tenemos para empoderar a los lĆ­deres cristianos indĆ­genas, una visiĆ³n que no parece compartirse con muchas organizaciones.


Este aƱo CONPLEI invitĆ³ a todos sus socios a la celebraciĆ³n de sus 32 aƱos en Brasil. Las insignias, artesanĆ­as y mĆŗsica indĆ­genas tocaron nuestros corazones y nos llevaron a nuestras celebraciones de hace aƱos en nuestro propio centro de capacitaciĆ³n indĆ­gena. En el momento en que Dios llevĆ³ a Frontline Missions a alejarse de nuestro centro de capacitaciĆ³n brasileƱo, le asegurĆ© a los indĆ­genas que Dios nos llevarĆ­a a una ā€œTierra Prometidaā€ similar a la que los israelitas abandonaron Egipto. Les dije: ā€œNo sĆ© dĆ³nde estĆ”, cĆ³mo se ve ni cĆ³mo vamos a llegar allĆ­ā€¦ Ā”pero SƉ que Dios serĆ” fiel y nos llevarĆ” allĆ­!ā€


Comenzando por enviarlos como misioneros con las mochilas de Jesus Film a aldeas remotas a las que los estadounidenses no podĆ­an llegar, continuar con el inicio de negocios para ayudarlos a ser mĆ”s independientes y ahora llevarnos a asociarnos con CONPLEI abrirĆ” un mundo que Frontline Missions no podĆ­a ofrecerles. solos... el futuro en esta nueva ā€œTierra Prometidaā€ parece mĆ”s y mĆ”s rico aƱo tras aƱo.


Esta asociaciĆ³n no es una "transferencia" de nuestro ministerio indĆ­gena, sino mĆ”s bien una expansiĆ³n de la "familia", donde descubrimos creyentes con ideas afines que estĆ”n dispuestos a compartir y empoderar. Creo que ejemplifica la iglesia del Nuevo Testamento:


ā€œ...los creyentes eran de un solo corazĆ³n y alma y nadie decĆ­a que nada de lo que le pertenecĆ­a era suyo, sino que tenĆ­an todo en comĆŗn.ā€ - Hechos 4:32


El valor de que mĆ”s gente local participe en el trabajo del ministerio es inconmensurable. Ā”Que todos corramos la carrera a la que Dios nos ha llamado a cada uno de nosotros con gran determinaciĆ³n y pleno vigor hasta el final!

A New “Pattern” For Women

“I would like you to present the graduates of our Sewing Training with their certificates of completion when you come to Nepal,” shared Dr. Khadka, president of Evangelical Christian College (ECC) in Kathmandu, Nepal. ECC not only disciples young people to impact Nepal with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but it also reaches out to the community to train impoverished women with sewing skills so they can start their own businesses.


“Giving them a certificate does not seem like enough. They need their own sewing machine so they can provide for their families,” Sandi responded. “What if Frontline can raise money to purchase a sewing machine for each of them?”

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A plan was made: Each woman would receive a sewing machine. They would slowly repay the funds

used out of the profits of their business, which would be used to provide machines for future students.


Through the generosity of you, our Frontline family, we purchased 26 machines. As the women received their certificates and their machines, their faces glowed. One woman shared her gratefulness, “You have given us a life-changing opportunity. Thank you!”

Ingarico viajando en misión para Cristo

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