God has been impressing on me the importance of small acts of kindness such as Joseph in Genesis 40 where he was in prison and did not count his own dire situation to be considered, but instead selflessly interpreted the baker’s and the cupbearer’s dreams for them. No one knew that that little act of kindness by Joseph would not only be the key to opening his own prison doors, but in time, put him in a prominent position poised to save many nations from starvation. Obedience in reaching out to others ushers in outstanding results.
While we were in Honduras with the Redeemer team, this theme kept running through my thoughts. I challenged the team and we reached out to the Tolupan people with this in mind. As we set ourselves for this intent, a young girl came up to me and asked, “Do you remember me?” I apologized as I could not remember her. She responded, “My name is Ana and I am Manuel’s youngest daughter.” Immediately I knew who she was. Ten years ago her dad brought her mom into our base camp as she was having severe abdominal pain. We knew right away that she needed to be taken down to the hospital (4-5 hours away). As we made preparations for her to go, Cristy Garrido and Heidi Winter urgently shared the Gospel with her and gratefully she prayed to receive Christ. Her salvation was sure as they departed for the long trip.
Just as they were entering the hospital the lady passed away. The hospital released her body to the family to be brought back for burial. I will never forget that funeral as the Tolupan unusually agreed for Alan and the team to not only attend, but perform the funeral. The Frontline team carried the simple casket to the burial site and the timid Tolupan all stood afar off except for Manuel. After they lowered the casket down Alan switched on a newly translated Tol audio recording of the Bible story of Assurance, stating that once you are in the hand of God, no one can take you out.

The Tolupan people were astonished and baffled to hear a loud speaker, much less one that was speaking their own language. This story spoke concerning God’s care of those who put their trust in Him. It was perfect timing. The Frontline team ministered that week in many small acts of kindness to Manuel’s family by giving them food in this difficult time. Ana continued with her story to me, and said, “I will never forget what you all did for my family when my mom died ten years ago! You brought food and helped us.” The Tolupan are a people of few words so it was encouraging to finally hear after all these years how much our benevolence meant to Manuel’s family.
Later that week at one of the nightly services Ana came forward to give her life to Christ. It was wonderful to pray with this special girl. I was honored and happy to share with Ana that now that she has asked Jesus as her Savior, she, too, would go to Heaven, just like her mom did. I told her, “Now, you and your mom will be together forever!” What a sweet moment that was for both of us. Please continue praying for the rest of Manuel’s family to come into the Kingdom of God.